
The Seminole County FFA Chapter recently competed in the Area Leadership Development Events in Tifton, Georgia at the University of Georgia Conference Center. Students prepared for various speaking events and then competed against other FFA members in front of a panel of judges. 

(Left to right in picture) 
Emma Godby competed in Junior Prepared Public Speaking. In this event, students prepare a four to six minute speech covering any topic related to agriculture. Students learn their speech and then present their speech to the panel of judges. Emma did a great job on the area level! 

Owen Welch competed in Extemporaneous Speaking. In this event, students do not prepare a speech but instead are given a set of possible topics related to agriculture. They draw topics from a hat and have thirty minutes to write a speech covering the topic they chose. Owen did a great job representing Seminole County at the area level. 

Will Pace competed in Discussion Meet. In this event, students from FFA Chapters across the south region are given a topic in agriculture and are asked to debate this topic. Students are judged based on their knowledge and their ability to communicate their ideas to others in a diplomatic fashion. Will placed first in the Area and will advance to the state competition in April. 

BethAnn Smith competed in Senior Prepared Public Speaking. In this competition, students in tenth through twelfth grade prepare a six to eight minute speech covering a topic in agriculture of their choosing. Students are judged based on their manuscript and their ability to present their speech to a panel of judges. BethAnn placed second in the area and will advance to the state competition in April. 

Ava Thompson competed in Creed Speaking. In this event, middle school and ninth grade students memorize the five paragraph FFA Creed and present it to a panel of judges. Students are judged on accuracy and presentation. Students must also answer questions from the judges about the Creed. Ava advanced through the preliminary round in January and competed in Tifton on the area level. 

Congratulations to all of our leadership event competitors and good luck to Will and BethAnn who will compete at the State FFA Convention!