MONDAY (2.27.23):

Dr. Seuss Week Celebration

Otto Otter Cheese Poppers (Cheese Bites with dipping sauce) or PBJ served with french fries, side salad with a milk & fruit option.

Tuesday (2.28.23):

Horton Hears a Who Hot Dog served with Truffula tots, pork & wee beans, and jello with a milk & fruit option.

Wednesday (3.01.23):

One Fish Two Fish Sticks with Cheese Grits served with breaded okra, and coleslaw with a milk & fruit option.

Thursday (3.02.23):

Sam I am Ham & Cheese Croissants served with corn nuggets, Truffala Tree broccoli salad and Dr. Seuss birthday cake with a milk & fruit option.

Friday (3.03.23):

Peter Pepper's Pepperoni Wedge Pizza or PBJ served with french fries, Voom veggie variety and a milk & fruit option.